June 2014

Welcome to the latest Club update.

As you might expect, there is very little to report here at the club during the month of May.

In fact all I have for you is the pre-season friendlies, which are available from the front page if you've not already seen them. The club hasn't even announced the winners of the Player of the Year awards despite its Presentation Evening being over two weeks ago.

I hope to bring you these as soon as I know them, in addition to the A.G.M. details when they are available.

There may be no local football right now, but in the meantime, the historical pages on this website continue to evolve on a weekly basis.

One thing I have discovered recently is that almost the complete collection of the Epsom & Ewell (Sutton) Advertiser is now available on a digital reader at Sutton Library. This means that I will eventualy have a full record of every Epsom match report that ever appeared in this newspaper pictured on this site, although it might be a few months before they start to appear here as I am also working on some result grids. For those who don't know what I'm referring to, these are available in the tables section of the historical section. The results are nearly complete post-war, but I am also working on the date grids, and trying to do this for the Reserves too! If any historians out there can help by filling in any gaps, please let me know. Thanks.

We are also close to finding out the number 1 memorable match in our countdown. Many of you will have guessed it, but we are now up to number 5 as of today (4th June) so it won't be long before you can revisit the day in greater detail.

Come on you Salts!